Every year, thousands of Green Card Holders aspire to become US Citizens, embarking on a detailed application process that demands accurate attention. While an experienced and strategic lawyer can streamline the process, the journey to citizenship grows increasingly challenging with each passing year.

In a recent citizenship case, which had been previously denied under the care of another lawyer, our law office meticulously assembled a comprehensive package, addressing all past and present issues, elucidating government inquiries, and submitting every required document.

Ms. Ramona Kennedy, the attorney of record, accompanied her client into the interview room, anticipating the culmination of a year-long battle. However, despite the client’s proficiency in English, she found herself unprepared to delve into the philosophical aspects of the most crucial concept of US CITIZENSHIP—the Oath of Allegiance.

During the Citizenship Interview, the federal officer posed a pivotal question: “What does the oath of Allegiance mean to you?” The client’s response, though sincere, did not meet the officer’s expectations. Despite a meticulously prepared file, the threat of denial loomed.

Under pressure, the client struggled to articulate her understanding of obeying US laws, a pivotal aspect of citizenship. The federal officer’s persistence led to a breakthrough when the client, trembling, inadvertently declared her birth country, prompting a smile from the officer.

The interview culminated in the client pledging to defend the US if necessary, underscoring the significance of the Oath of Allegiance—a cornerstone of US citizenship. Denouncing prior loyalties is a fundamental requirement, emphasizing an unwavering commitment to the United States.

While children under 14 are exempt from the Oath requirement, firm loyalty to the United States remains non-negotiable for aspiring citizens.

Disclaimer: This immigration legal blog does not constitute legal advice or establish an Attorney-Client Relationship. For personalized guidance on your citizenship journey, contact the law offices of attorney Ramona Kennedy.

Contact Information:

For personalized legal guidance, Attorney Ramona Kennedy offers free initial legal consultation in English and Farsi (Persian) to address your legal concerns effectively.

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